Monday, January 12, 2009

Once upon a time..

I know what you're thinking:  "Oh, great.  ANOTHER blog.  Yeah, we need one of those like we need a new strain of avian flu."  I normally would agree with you, but since it seems like everyone's doing it these days, and because I really want to be one of the cool we are.  "So," you might then ask.  "If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you follow?"  Well, now, that depends.  Is Jessica Alba in that group?  If she is, then yes, yes I would.   

Who am I?  I can name my tune in three words:  writer, reader, pontificator (more or less in that order).  And that's pretty much all you need to know for right now.  While I can't guarantee that this blog is going to be maintained on a daily basis, I hope it will at least be entertaining.  There should be a wide enough gamut of topics discussed for anyone and everyone to jump in and give their plugged nickel.   

Think of it as a little daily ray of sunshine...or a sharp blow to the head, whatever it takes to keep morale high.  Keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times, and whatever you do, don't feed the animals (or any of my friends).

Hope you enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah what ever you do dont feed the friends. LOL Hey great to see you striking out and joining the 21st century dude!! :-) Ill be sure to link to you next time i update my site or post to my art Blog over at By the way, you wouldn't be the only one in that group jumping off the cliff. LMAO! - KM
