Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Here we go again!

Nearly six years.

That's how long it's been since I've posted here.

I clearly suck at this blogging thing.

But a lot has CHANGED in those six years I've been away: I've started two independently-produced comic books--Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers and Dead Man's Party--the latter of which is about to appear on comic store shelves all around the country as a trade paperback published by the way awesome people at Darby Pop Publishing and Magnetic Press. I won a writing contest with Darby Pop and got my first mainstream comic book published, Indestructible: Stingray

I've become a screenwriter, and along with my good friend, Scott Malchus, and we have written a couple TV pilots that have semifinaled at a couple of prestigious screenplay competitions. One of those pilots is up on the Amazon Studios site, so hopefully we'll get some recognition.

I podcasted about The Walking Dead, about Flash, and about American Horror Story. Had to give those up, though, because, well, a day's only got 24 hours. Even despite my best efforts to squeeze in 4 or 5 more.

So I've been BUSY, yo.

But I'm back. Hopefully with some sort of regularity. Because I've got stuff to say, and dammit, the one or two of you who have searched out this blog on purpose DESERVE to be rewarded for your effort.

Time will tell how long this lasts...

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