Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The 100-Page Rule

With the sheer volume of material I have to read--books, comics, screenplays, newspapers, magazines, and ugh, don't get me started with all the ARCs and blogs and websites on my tablet--I will need at least thirteen lifetimes to get through it all. And that's if the current river of publishing would simply STOP its flow and let me catch up. Which it WON'T because it CAN'T. Between self-publishing and the stuff coming out from the major houses, publishing is a juggernaut that cannot be stopped. There's just too much stuff out there that has me foaming at the mouth to get my peepers into.

So that's why I've been forced to implement the 100-Page Rule. It's simple enough: You, the author, have 100 pages to wine me, dine me, excite me, and turn me on to your book. If you can't do it in 100, then I'm sorry, but I don't see this relationship going anywhere and I'm going to have to drop your hard work off in the local library's donation box.

Is that fair? Maybe not. I remember I was at around 96 pages when I almost dropped Bernard Cornwell's The Archer's Talebut something made me stick with it, and I'm glad I did because it turned out to be one of my favorite books, series, and the beginning of my obsession with all things Bernard Cornwell. Maybe by shutting you down at 100 I'm missing out on you getting your stride at 101 or 102. That's certainly possible.

But there's so much AMAZING stuff out there to be read that when reading a book becomes WORK, then my mind wanders--a LOT--and I find myself wistfully wondering what the long-on-my-shelf books by authors I DO find entrancing and hypnotic are going to be like.

(Man. Reading is a lot like dating.)

A book that can't find its legs in my heart, coupled with a brain that's playing what-color's-the-grass-over-there, makes the minutes spent reading melt at a glacial pace.

Not good.

I also think that 100 pages is a perfectly acceptable rule to be judged against when the time comes that I get my own novel(s) published. So if I review your book and I throw the 100-Page flag at it, just know that I'm doing it from a Swarovski pedestal within a sugar-glass house.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

If you know me, you know what Dead Man's Party is. You also know how giggity I am about the fact that this 5-issue series that Scott Barnett and I have self-published for the past, oh, five years or so, has been collected as a trade paperback and is being published by Darby Pop Comics and Magnetic Press. And it lands on comic shop shelves on January 27th, then Amazon and Barnes and Noble a month later.

If you DON'T know what Dead Man's Party is, well let me tell you about it:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Here we go again!

Nearly six years.

That's how long it's been since I've posted here.

I clearly suck at this blogging thing.

But a lot has CHANGED in those six years I've been away: I've started two independently-produced comic books--Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers and Dead Man's Party--the latter of which is about to appear on comic store shelves all around the country as a trade paperback published by the way awesome people at Darby Pop Publishing and Magnetic Press. I won a writing contest with Darby Pop and got my first mainstream comic book published, Indestructible: Stingray

I've become a screenwriter, and along with my good friend, Scott Malchus, and we have written a couple TV pilots that have semifinaled at a couple of prestigious screenplay competitions. One of those pilots is up on the Amazon Studios site, so hopefully we'll get some recognition.

I podcasted about The Walking Dead, about Flash, and about American Horror Story. Had to give those up, though, because, well, a day's only got 24 hours. Even despite my best efforts to squeeze in 4 or 5 more.

So I've been BUSY, yo.

But I'm back. Hopefully with some sort of regularity. Because I've got stuff to say, and dammit, the one or two of you who have searched out this blog on purpose DESERVE to be rewarded for your effort.

Time will tell how long this lasts...